
Smileys/Face Icons +random onions :D

Deviation Actions

laurenlilly757's avatar

Literature Text

Small Pointer To Those In Need:
These pictures below are icons.
They are often used to show the expression on your face.
Sometimes its helpful for others who may get confused on whether what you are commenting is phrased nicely or in a meaner tone but all together it is your choice to put an icon or not. :iconilikeitplz:
How To Make Them:
You simply need to have ":" on either end of what you will be typing, You will also need to use the word "icon" (and on occasion the word "plz") in order to... make an icon!
For example:
:bulletred: Say you want to put "I love it"; you would do :iconiloveitplz : without spaces so it appears as, :iconiloveitplz:
:bulletred: Say you want to put "I dislike it"; you would do :iconidislikeitplz : without spaces so it appears as, :iconidislikeitplz:

Below is a typed list of icons I have gathered over the past year, I went though the trouble of searching all throughout DeviantART to find these icons and as I stumbled upon these I recorded them and saved them to my I made this list, first for my personal reference then I decided I would share it with everyone else who is on a quest to find them all. If you EVER find ANY icons similar to the ones below I would love to know what ones I'm missing so I can add it to the list. Also if you see any icons that are repeated in the list below, notify me so I can delete one of the icons in the list. Thank You; and have a fun time writing it all down. :icontrollfaceplz:

Any list of deviation icons that are NOT Yellow Faced or Onions have been made into a new deviation containing the rest since the icons previously in this deviation were not of these categories. This is your responsibility to know. The new deviation has been put in a link at the bottom of this deviation and is also in a link in the description. Thank you and have a fun time playing with icons!

~~~~~~~Yellow Face Categories~~~~~~~

The Country's:
:icongermanyplz: :iconitalyplz: :iconprussiaplz: :iconeduardplz: :iconromajiplz: :icontaiwan-plz: :iconsleepygreeceplz: :iconkikuplz: :iconbrothercanadaplz: :iconaussie-plz: :iconnataliaplz: :iconpolandplz: :iconalaskaplz: :iconspainplz: :iconnetherlandsplz: :icondanmarkplz: :iconturkiyeplz: :iconheroamericaplz: :iconhungaryplz: :iconraivisplz: :iconaustriaplz: :iconfrancisplz: :iconswissplz: :iconpakistanplz: :iconmsiranplz: :iconukraineplz: :iconukplz: :iconkoreaanikiplz: :iconblerghplz: :iconlietplz: :iconimbishieplz: :iconromanoplz: :iconliechtensteinplz: :iconchinaaruplz: :iconhongkongplz: :iconberwaldplz: :iconcubaplz: :icondesiremeplz: :icondesireyouplz: :iconbrothercanadaplz: :iconbrotherparaguayplz: :iconbrotheruruguayplz: :iconbulkunplz: :iconlaos-plz: :iconfemaleisraelplz: :iconalaskafaceplz: :iconsovietalaskaplz: :iconpolandplz: :iconaustriahoplz: :iconaussie-plz: :iconhongkongplz: :iconvietnamplz: :iconbraginskiplz: :iconusaplz: :iconuzbekistanplz: :iconnorgeplz:

The Regular's:
:iconsupersiameseleftplz::iconsupersiameserightplz: :iconimskitzoplz: :iconpetewentzhappyplz: :icongoodnarutoplz: :iconimafailureplz: :iconclockworkorangeplz: :iconimevilplz: :iconleftsiameseplz::iconrightsiameseplz: :iconcyclops-plz: :icontriclopsplz: :iconbatmanhappyplz: :iconawesomecookieplz: :iconawesometoastplz: :iconrotatehapplyplz: :iconhappyiamplz: :iconawesomefaceplz: :iconcrosswalledplz: :iconeheheplz: :iconimwinkingplz: :iconclimaxplz: :iconiamhappykaboomplz: :iconimhappyplz: :iconsheishappyplz: :iconimhappylaplz: :iconimhappierlaplz: :iconimhappynodplz: :iconimhappynoplz: :icondrunkhappyplz: :iconimhappierplz: :iconwalleyedplz: :iconcrosseyedclapplz: :iconcrosseyedclap2plz: :iconisawitplz: :iconcrosseyedplz: :iconawesomefaceplz: :iconimstonerplz: :iconimapirateplz: :iconthatsepicplz: :iconhappyforeverplz: :iconheyguysplz: :iconawesomenessplz: :iconhappymoustacheplz: :iconhowirollplz: :iconawesomespinplz: :iconawesomerollplz: :iconimhappyspinplz: :iconimsunnyplz: :iconimsquareplz: 

The Dislike/Hate Faces:
:iconiwillkillyouplz: :iconbigmeanieplz: :icondafuqplz: :icon0n0plz: :iconimnothappyplz: :iconilltellonyouplz: :iconnoesplz1: :iconomgewplz: :iconbawww-plz: :iconimbiteplz: :iconfyeahplz: :icondothisthingplz: :iconharrassplz: :iconhardcoreplz: :iconfearmeplz: :icontskplz: :iconadamblackpp: :iconsadadamplz: :iconsouleyesplz: :iconidislikeitplz: :iconihateitplz: :iconimfuriousplz: :iconidontloveitplz: :icongetawayplz: :iconimhorrifiedplz: :iconidespiseyouplz: :icondemonhappyplz: :iconultraangryplz: :iconblowitallupplz: :iconimconstipatedplz: :iconipoopedplz: :iconboredguuplz: :iconffuuuplz: :iconuglyflailplz: :iconsomadrightnowplz: :iconhandyfaceplz: :iconkillallplz: :iconsrslyoffendedplz: :iconfinegeezplz:

The Pervy/Creepy/Rape Faces:
:iconcyrusmeanssrsbsnsplz: :iconbwarplz: :iconcalmplz: :iconbloodshotstareplz: :iconblackeyescryplz: :iconcrazyticplz: :iconnosebleedgrinplz: :iconshityfaceplz: :iconimdementedplz: :iconpervieplz: :iconlongsmileplz: :iconimzeroplz: :iconraepfaceplz: :icongrinfaceplz: :iconirapeitplz: :iconhuarghplz: :iconhappylightplz: :iconnewlightplz: :iconsayplz: :iconsawthatplz: :icondawhatplz: :iconimcreepyplz: :iconjokeplz: :iconbishappyplz: :icondeathfaceplz: :icondrooledplz: :iconheythereprettyplz: :iconh3h3plz: :iconhotsauceplz: :iconimpedoplz: :iconimdarkplz: :iconimsmirkingplz:

The Derpy Faces: 
:iconimnerdplz: :iconbrargplz: :icontonguewaggleplz: :iconboowahplz: :iconaaahhplz: :iconbwahplz: :iconboopplz: :iconyoucanhasitplz: :iconimlookpatheticplz: :iconacneplz: :iconmhhmplz: :iconiderpitplz: :iconhurrdurrplz: :icondurrhurrplz: :iconimnerdyplz: :iconweirdplz: :iconwashedbrainplz: :iconharharplz: :iconderpfaceplz: :iconhnngplz: :iconfangtasticplz: :iconwhuuutplz: :iconhurfplz: :iconhurrhurrplz:

The I Came Faces:
:iconsoniccameplz: :iconiseriouscameplz: :iconicameplz: :iconyoucameplz: :iconicamespeechlesslyplz: :iconicouldntcameplz: :iconididntcomeplz: :iconicamephailplz: :iconiultracameplz: :iconimegacameplz: :iconiepiccameplz: :iconiultimatecameplz: :iconiextremecameplz: :iconiinfinitycameplz: :iconiexplosioncameplz: :iconicamefinalformplz: :iconicameonelasttimeplz: :iconichaincameplz: :iconicamecombinedplz: :iconmovingicame: :iconyesicameplz: :iconicamehappyplz: :iconiexplodedplz:

The Blushing Faces: 
:iconlaaavplz: :iconchuuplz: :iconyoucardplz: :iconiseethatthereplz: :icontinoplz: :iconhurrplz: :icondeyedplz: :iconkirbyishappyplz: :iconheybbyplz: :iconconfusedblushplz: :iconcrazyblushplz: :iconimblushingplz: :iconhoplz: :iconcuterrhplz: :iconcutiesmileplz: :iconcutepoutplz: :iconohbbybbyplz: :iconiwantitplz: :iconpuppydesuplz: :iconohbbybbyplz: :iconblushwhatplz: 

The Like/Love Faces:
:iconhoplz: :iconspiralsmileplz: :iconimsohappyplz: :iconsecretplz: :iconyooyayplz: :iconiloveitplz: :iconiheartitplz: :iconikissitplz: :iconretardiloveitplz: :iconiloveitmoreplz: :iconilovekrissiplz: :iconilavplz: :iconurgrinningplz: :iconimgrinningplz: :iconimreallyhappyplz: :iconimspinningplz: :iconhaaahplz: :iconilovehimplz: 

The WTH's:
:iconwthhighsparklesplz: :iconwthsparklesplz: :iconwthhighplz: :iconwthimblushingplz: :iconwthplz: :iconfreakedplz: :iconwthmoustacheplz: :iconwthewwplz: :iconwtwplz: :iconwthimhappyplz: :iconwthicameplz: :iconimsrspervplz: :iconhtw-plz: :iconwth2plz: :iconwth3plz: :iconwth5plz: :iconwtffaceplz: :iconwthfrownplz:

The second, continuing list can be found here...…

The third continuing list can be found here...…

The fourth list of icons can be found here...…

GO AHEAD COPY IT DOWN! After all I posted it just for all of you people out there!

:iconalcoholicguymeme1plz: :iconalcoholicguymeme2plz: :iconalcoholicguymeme3plz: :iconalcoholicguymemeplz:

Last updated: November 14th 2013 at: 8:16pm

EDIT: If you want to find other useful deviations you can find the link(s) below:……………
© 2012 - 2024 laurenlilly757
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